Favorite things:
Boy Meets World: Brett grew up as a die hard Cory and Tapanga fan. I watched a few episodes growing up, but never got way into it. We now own all 7 seasons and watch an episode... or two... sometimes 3... while making dinner or as a homework break.

Dollar Movies (or even better: 50 cent movies):
Brett and I have mastered the art of having fun on a budget. It's either a Free Redbox, or a Dollar Movie. I know I know, BIG spenders right? Our favorite time to go is for Monday Night Movies, because the movies are only 50 cents for families. (Okay quick irony. It's called Dollar Movies but the movies cost $1.75.) So we went for 50 cent Monday movie night but I guess that since the Brett and Haley Birkeland family only consists of 2 we were charged 1.75 per ticket, $3.50. We then asked to buy three tickets. The man at the desk replied "$1.50 please." We felt so clever.
Talking... and Talking... and Talking:
We are now enjoying the greatest perk of marriage. No curfew. So what do we do? We stay inside, talk, and stay up much later than we should. Just last night we planned on getting to bed by 11 since I had to wake up at 6:20 for early morning weights. We were in bed on time... but one conversation led to another... and before we knew it, it was 2. The best part is that even though I am a little bit tired the next day, those conversations are a highlight to my life.
Family Time:
So this is more so for me than Brett... but I have especially loved having a family close by again. We often visit Brett's siblings or parents, go on trips to the cabin, watch the big game, or eat Sunday dinner with Brett's parents. Even better is the fact that Brett is my family now and we are together all the time.
"Buying Things":
Another perk of being a newlywed couple is that we have tons of unused gift cards and certificates. We feel like big spenders when we go into Bed, Bath, and Beyond and come out with bags of kitchen goodies and other household items. We are so grateful for the generosity of others and that we have been able to make out little place so homey. :)
A few weeks back after coming out of Bed, Bath, and Beyond, I joked with Brett that we should go check out Petco (knowing that Brett doesn't like pets.) I mentioned we could look at fish and he actually said yes. So we went in and I thought we were going to just look at the fish for a bit and then leave, but leave empty handed we did NOT. Brett looked like a little kid in a candy store. He got a little glimmer in his eye when he asked if we could get one. He had so much fun picking out the fish and the bowl and the kind and color of gravel. We proudly came home with little Ti Wouj (Haitian for Little Red). He can be our number 3 in the Birkeland Family. :)
Good to have you in the family Haley. Good times....noodle salad!!!
P.S. the late night talks never end. We still set early bedtime goals....but never attain it. Gotta love it.
such a sweet post haley. you sound like youre having so much fun in your new home :). i love your book choice! its such a beautiful one. i would also recommend the last lecture by randy pausch when you are finished. can't wait to hear more!
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